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Ron West won the YETI 50 

Lonnie Phelps won the YETI Rambler

Jon Robertson won the YETI Colster


8/12/20- The gun raffle was won by:

Paul Pfeffer won the Beretta shotgun

Ford Condrey won the Glock 48

2/10/20- Most of our news updates are now on our Facebook group page.  This page is a closed group for members only.   Please contact Kevin Weaver, the club president, at for any questions or membership inquiries.  

1/13/17- 55 kills this year.  Best season so far for nice bucks.  Meeting on 1/21/17.  Looks like we will be raffling off  two guns this year to reduce dues.  Rules page has been changed to reflect new dues amounts, allowing new members to put a deposit down first and pay the rest by everyone else's deadline, reflect current cap, and to explain the membership waiting list.

12/2/16- We had 38 deer down prior to rifle season.  Slowed down a bit after they stopped chasing.  We should be around 42 or 43 now.  David got a nice buck this week and Brett, our newest member took a doe yesterday.  I have added pics to the site from this years' killsSo far this has been our best year for quality bucks.

10/20/16- Bow season is well underway.  I think we have about 10 down so far including a 10 pointer taken by Paul Pfeffer.

7/6/16- We have winners! 

Ron West won the YETI 50 Tundra

Lonnie Phelps won the YETI Rambler

Jon Robertson won the YETI Colster

4/22/16-  We have secured a 5 year lease with our main landowner and added 264 acres to our hunt club. 

The raffle tickets are here for the Yeti 50 and the Ruger American 30-06. 

4/14/16- Elections are over.  Mike Philips is VP and Hank Gavan, Secretary.  

Looks like we will be adding another 264 acres to our lease this year.  Our landowner is in the process of purchasing it and we have expressed our interest in leasing it.  

4/3/16- Good meeting yesterday.  Elections for VP and Secretary are underway.  Lots of good work done at the club.  Mike Philips had a connex box delivered and one for the land owner too.  We moved the shed to the other side of the connex, turned the skinning shed around to use as a wood shed, and cleaned up several debris piles around the club.  The place looks real good with the new camper layout, the new gravel, and the better electrical infrastructure.

​2/29/16- ​New motions and membership cap posted in rules.  Next meeting will be either April 2nd or 9th.

11/22/2015- 34 kills as of this morning.  Thanksgiving weekend coming up.  Updated both pics page.

11/11/2015- Happy Veteran's Day.  We are somewhere in the 19-20 range on kills so far.  Paul Pendergrass killed a nice one.  Check out the top left pic on the deer pic page.

8/27/15- Meeting on Saturday 8/29/15 @ 0900 at the clubhouse.  Fox hunt on 9/19/15 at Poole's fox pen.  

4/10/15- There we no nominations for officers, therefore the current officers will remain for the two year terms voted on at the last meeting.  For the new members, the officers are:

President:  Kevin Weaver

Vice President:  Paul Pendergrass

Treasurer: Dan Poteet

Secretary:  Hank Gavan

3/30/15- Minutes from 3/28 meeting:

We had a good meeting, but the work day didn't turn out too good due to about 1.5 inches of snow.  We did manage to get most of the debris taken to the dump.  Also, Tom Black did his usual great job of bringing plenty of fish and scallops for everyone.  Thanks Tom!
We voted to stay where we are for this year on membership.  With the one application currently out for review, it puts us at 27-28 members. We have one member that may be moving and therefore has not determined if he will be joining or not. If he does we will have 28.  If not we are at 27.  Dues will stay at $750.  27 members will cover the leases and insurance.  We have enough in our account to cover other expenses through hunting season.
We voted to change the due date for deposits to the last Saturday in February starting next year.  You must have your deposit paid in order to vote on any issues.  All issues/rule changes have to be voted on and finalized prior to the June 1st due date for all dues.  In the event that a vote makes a member decide to get out of the club they have one week to inform the club president of their decision.  This is the only circumstance where we will refund a deposit.
We discussed some concerns around stands, but no changes were made to the current rules.  
The fox hunt date is Sept. 19th.  We need everybody to mark their calendars and make sure they can attend this event.  We make a lot of money on this, but we need at least 25 people for judges.  
We voted to spend approximately $2200 to put a roof on the conex box and build a skinning shed.
We will hold off on propane and the tankless water heater until after the next fox hunt.
We discussed the need to purchase a lawnmower but did not vote on it.  If anyone has one or can get one for the club to use that would be great.  If not, I will start looking on Craigslist.  If I find one I will email everybody for approval to spend the money.  Until then, the teams will need to bring their own equipment to cut the grass with.  If you have one let me know.
The backhoe did not make it due to a conflict and the fact that it would have really messed up the grounds with the snow/mud.  
We also decided that we would need 1-2 loads of gravel at the club house area after we get all campers situated.  Pendergrass can spread it out with his tractor. 
We voted to extend the terms of the officers to 2 years alternating.  So the one year we elect the president and treasurer and the next year the vice president and secretary.  

2/8/15- Good meeting and turnout.  Got a lot done at the club.  Check your email for the minutes and for voting on the membership cap.

1/6/15- Happy new year.  Looks like we killed about 61 deer.  Give or take 1 or 2.  Curious to see how many DMAP tags we get next year with the HD issue this past season.  

1st meeting of the year will be on Feb. 7th at 0900.

12/24/14- Merry Christmas!  

This is a reminder that we will be conducting man-drives this Saturday, Dec. 27th.  We will start around 9:00 a.m.  Everyone should try to be at the club house by 8:30 so we can organize the drives.  

For those who have never participated in these I will try and give a brief overview:
  • Shotgun/buckshot only- NO RIFLES OR SLUGS
  • We will meet in the club house and use the maps to position standers and drivers after each drive
  • Basically we try and surround each tract with standers and then the divers go in making noise to drive the deer toward the standers
  • Saturday will be a shoot whatever you want drive 
  • We will stay away from anyone wanting to still hunt]
  • Wear plenty of orange
I will be trying to take a nice size deer for Music Man.  If I don't get one and somebody else wants to donate a kill, I will pay half of the processing fee for Music Man.  

We need as many as possible to conduct successful drives.  If we don't have enough people, the deer will slip through the gaps.  

For those who have extra shotguns it might be a good idea to bring them for some of the new members.  Anyone without a shotgun that still wants to participate should still buy some buckshot and show up.  I would suggest 2 3/4 inch shells to make sure they will work in any gun.

11/20/14- 46 Deer down as of Tuesday evening.  More big bucks this year than ever.

11/5/14Great weekend.  Thanks to Gary for the mowing. Thanks to Jerry for the wood.  Thanks to Hank for the wood.  The club is going to purchase a couple of cords of wood this weekend for all to use.  Anybody that wants to chip in to Jerry and Hank for what they already purchased I am sure that would be appreciated.  

We had a great time through Tuesday.  I had 4 teenagers with me at various times this weekend.  My goal was to get all of them to kill something and it worked out well.  Adam killed a doe, a 7 pointer, a turkey with a 12" beard, and a bobcat.  Alex Sisco killed a real nice 8 pointer that will be hanging on the wall next year, Austin Bell killed a a nice Tom, and Adam's friend Brennan killed a coyote last night.  He is still looking for his first deer, but at least he killed something. Jake Pendergrass killed a couple of deer on the 140 acres.  Congratulations Jake. 

I think we are currently at 25 kills for the season.  One of our new members, Jeff Banko, killed at GIANT 150 class Buck in Chesterfield Sunday.  I mean it is a monster. The Bucks that were killed all showed evidence of rutting.  This coming weekend I am trying to get a skid so Tony can fix the road and spread the gravel at the shooting range.

10/23/14- 1st update of the new season.  We are at 16 kills so far coming up on the 3rd weekend of bow season.  We have gravel delivered (but not spread) at the shooting range.  We had a very successful fund raiser at the fox hunt.  The club is very good shape financially.  Both leases are paid and both insurances policies are in place.  We have reached our limit of 30 members and we are one week away from the start of muzzle loader.  Hope to see everyone at the club over the next few weeks.  I will have plenty of cover scents and attractants for sale at the club.  I will also have blaze orange hats with the new company logo on it.  Speaking of hats, Hank is picking up the club logo hats and shirts this week and will have them at the club over the next couple of weekends.  Please bring your money if you haven't already paid for whatever you ordered.

6/25/14- Club meeting on 7/26/14 at 0800 at the clubhouse.  We will have a quick meeting and then a work day to clean up around the club, post some of the land, clear fallen trees, etc....

6/2/14- Time to get the dues in.  We pay the lease at the end of the month.  Updated the pics.  Moved some of the big fish to the trophy page.

4/8/14- Club meeting went well.  Good turnout.  Got some good cleanup done prior to the meeting.  A few changes in officers:

President- Kevin Weaver

VP- Paul Pendergrass

Treasurer- Dan Poteet

Secretary- Hank Gavan

We are set for the gun raffle and fox hunt in Sept.  Any member that doesn't have their raffle tickets send me an email with your address and I will get them in the mail or I will leave them at the club with your name on it.  

I would like to thank Jay Connor for everything he has done for the club since its inception.  He has been an officer for the past 3 years and an informal leader before that.  I am glad he is staying in this year and I hope for many years to come.

3/24/14- Club meeting on 4/5/14.  Saturday at 12:30 at the clubhouse.  The reason for the time change is to allow those with kids to take advantage of youth turkey day. 

1/14/14- We are planning a meeting for Saturday, Feb. 8th @ 9:00 a.m.  At the clubhouse.

This meeting will be to discuss the upcoming 2014-15 season.  The main topic will be membership and dues.  We will vote on a total count for membership and what the dues will be.  We will also discuss/review the process for soliciting new members.  This meeting is not for new members to attend.  If there are potential new members that a current member is sponsoring have them come at 10:00 or to the April meeting.

As of now 5 people have confirmed that they will not be joining next year.  Still have several that have not contacted me or replied to my request for information.  We have at least 2 that are undecided. 

I would like to make a change to the club rules.  It was brought to my attention that it doesn't seem fair to have officer elections in February because that allows people to vote that may not be joining for the next season.  The suggestion was made that officer elections be moved to April after the initial deposits are collected and that be the determining factor for who gets to vote.  I didn't think of this situation when we wrote the rules.  If I get enough responses in agreement with this change I will go ahead and write the change into the rules.  If I don't get enough responses I will bring it up for a vote on Feb. 8th.  

Also, please take heed of Paul's email about DMAP.  We need to get those tags back and the jaw bones.  If we don't get this right we risk losing our extra tags for next year.  Last year we got on good terms with the wildlife biologist.  Lets work to keep it that way.  

12/3/13- Updated photos with Jacob Chapman's Buck taken on 11/22/13.  Also here is the email text about man drives:

We usually do man drives late in the season and I agree that we have to wing it with whoever shows up.  Maybe with enough notice we can get more participation this year.  I hunted Friday, Saturday, and yesterday and saw plenty of deer all three days.  I think we should do the drives when they are not moving.  Right now with the late rut this year I am still seeing deer move.  We are still killing several deer per weekend right now.  We have killed 46 deer already this year which is more than we have killed at this point in past years.  I think we need to thin the heard around Sydney's house first and make sure he knows we are doing this.  I vote to have 3 or 4 planned man drives scheduled.  We can still do others if we have enough people show up, but having 3 or 4 scheduled and communicated early should give us plenty of people with shotguns on those days.  Also, a lot of people are out of town or have plans on the weekend before Christmas so I think we should wait until after then to schedule any.  I suggest the following days for man drives: 
Saturday, December 28th- Wednesday, January 1st - Saturday, January 4th
I suggest we hunt the morning as normal with the agreement for everyone wanting to do man drives to meet at the clubhouse at 0900.  Everyone wanting to participate on these days please respond via email and I will try and keep track of who is coming.  I will send out reminders as the dates get closer.  I would also vote that we concentrate on does.  The bucks should be wall hangers only on these drives. Let the little ones walk.  Shotgun only.

11/28/13-  Adam took a 6 pointer this morning.  David Ickes killed a doe.

11/26/13- Yesterday Eric Avery took his first deer.  Nice 8 pointer too.  Congratulations Eric!

11/22/13- Dan took a 6 pointer today.

11/21/13- Close to 30 down for the year already.  Ben Sellers killed an 8 pointer yesterday.  Check it out on the photo page.

11/7/13Gentlemen- Please keep away from the hog houses on the pig farm.  We can't go in that entrance and we have to stay at least 200 yards from the hog houses.  Jordan said the manager told him somebody was riding a truck and an ATV around the houses this past week/weekend.

Also keep the vehicles out of the fields.  Park on the edge and take your ATV around the perimeter only.  Just because you can't see anything growing doesn't mean there isn't something planted. Jordan stated that most of the fields have been seeded and he has seen some vehicles riding through the fields.  Always assume the field is planted and use ATV's only around the perimeter.  

150-200 yards apart may be a safe distance in the woods.  But over an open field you could be shooting at the same deer at the same time.  If the deer walk out between you then we have situation where you are in range but aiming toward each other.  Make sure you take this into consideration.  If you can shoot the same deer at the same time- you are too close.  It is my understanding that at least one member has an issue with this safety rule that was discussed at the last meeting.  Safety is our number one priority along with keeping the landowner happy.  If you disagree with the last sentence then this club is not the one for you.  We will not risk an accident that we could have easily avoided by hunting at a safe distance.  If this is still unclear to anyone please call me and I will attempt to clarify further.  The only exception to this is what Jay covered at the last meeting where two people agree to hunt this close in an attempt to make certain kills.  In this case the two members work out their fields of fire ahead of time. 

At last count we were at 14 deer down.  Bear season archery is still in.  Bear Muzzle Loader comes back in Saturday.  Bear rifle is December 2-7.  It would make Jordan happy if we could take a bear or two this year.  They have done a lot of damage to crops and one of his hot houses.  

10/10/13- Several members have inquired about the cost of deer processing at Mast Meats now that they are under new management.  They are now called Country Road Meats.  They processed the 5 pointer Adam shot on youth day morning.  It was $75.  That seems to be the flat rate unless you have something special done such as their jalopeno cheese bologna.  The $75 covered slicing the back straps, slicing the hindquarters, packing the sweet meat, and making burger out of the rest of the deer.  Everything is vacuum packed except for the burger.  

10/7/13- Update on the one hit.  They went back Sunday and found him.  Mr. Stiltoner took him Saturday evening.  Nice 7 pointer.  The picture is on the photo page.  

10/6/13- Good start to Archery season.  Mrs. Phillips took her first deer in the morning.  Austin Bell killed a 7 pointer in the afternoon.  We had another hit but not sure if they were able to locate it.  Adam and I saw a bear the size of a small car run across Blue Bird.  

9/30/13- Great youth Day!  As far as I know we had 3 taken at the club and one in Chesterfield.  Jake took a spike in the morning and a doe in the afternoon.  Congratulations Jake!  Adam took a 5 pointer in the morning and a 6 pointer in Chesterfield in the afternoon.  I have put the pictures on the photo page.

Bow Season starts Saturday!  Remember there are bears out there so make the necessary arrangements for safety.  

As always, keep the landowner in mind when on the property.  Keep vehicles off the runway and anywhere else that might put us in a bad spot with the landowner.

Also remember that the landowner has asked that we kill any feral hogs we see.