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​Club Rules ​
Officer Election and Responsibilities:
 The club will elect officers every two years.   Officers of the Club will consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  Election years for the positions will be off-set.  The President and Treasurer will be elected one year and the Vice President and Secretary will be elected the following year.  Persons nominated for club officer positions shall be eligible who meet the following qualifications:
         1.    Must be a member in good standing having paid all membership dues and fees;
         2.    Is willing to accept the position committing the time and energy necessary for the betterment of the Club.
 Club Treasurer will present at each club meeting and at the beginning and end of each hunting season an accounting of all expenditures of club funds.
Membership Application, Dues and Fees:
Persons desiring to apply for new membership with Sunrise Hunt Club must submit a completed application. Within seven (7) days of receiving notification the membership application has been approved, a $300 non-refundable deposit must be paid.  The remainder of the dues will be due by the middle of March. (See soliciting new member section)
Membership Dues:
Membership dues are $1000 per year.  Raffles may be held to reduce dues.  This will be voted on each year.
Membership within Sunrise Hunt Club shall run from June 1 of the current year to June 1 of the coming year.  Members must make a non-refundable $200 deposit by the middle of March.  Remaining balance must be paid by June 1.  Any member experiencing a hardship in paying the full amount by the set deadline each year must contact a Club Officer before April 1st and the Club Officers by majority vote may approve a special hardship payment plan extension until June 15th.  The Club Officers by majority vote may approve special circumstance refunds on a case-by-case basis of special hardships a member may encounter.
Membership Cap:
​​The current membership cap is 28 paying members.  The cap is voted on each year at the first meeting.
Type of Membership:
Paid member definition – Membership is for one person, i.e. the dues paying club member.
Paying club members have full use of all Sunrise Hunt Club facilities and have guest privileges.
Club member’s immediate family members are eligible for “Associate Member” status.  Immediate family members include the club members spouse and children (son, daughter, step-son and step-daughter) that are under 18 years of age. Children over 18 years of age must be an IRS eligible dependent AND be enrolled as a full time student to be considered an Associate Member.  Any child having obtained 23 years of age will no longer be eligible as Associate Member regardless of their student status, and will need to obtain their own membership with Sunrise Hunt Club. 
Associate Members may only use Sunrise Hunt Club facilities when accompanied by and under the control of their paying member or another paying member at all times while on the property.  Associate Members Do Not have guest privileges at any time.  Club members are fully responsible for their Associate Members actions while on Sunrise Hunt Club facilities.
​Associate members can join upon reaching 18 (or 23 if they are still in school).  The cap can be exceeded for associate members only.  However, the cap will remain the same and be achieved again through attrition.
Paying Club members in good standing may have guest anytime during the hunting and fishing season with a few exceptions. The stipulations are as follows:
Each member will have two guest passes per season.   A member’s guest may hunt for a $25 fee.  Guest fees only apply to deer, bear,  and turkey hunting.  It is the club member’s responsibility to collect the fee to give to the Club Treasurer, educate the guest on all club rules and be responsible for the guest while utilizing all club facilities.  Upon a guest completing their second visit, they may not repeat the process with another club member.   
A guest must have in their possession the guest pass from the club member while on the property.  A guest may not utilize club facilities unless accompanied with the club member.
No guests will be allowed on the opening weekend for archery, muzzleloader or gun season for deer, bear, or turkey.
Associate and Honorary Members do not have guest privileges.
Club members have first rights to use of the property and to hunting stand/blind locations.
Any members’ guest who decides to apply for membership into the hunt club and is accepted shall have his guest fees applied as a credit to the first year’s membership fee.
Camper Fees:
 Any member in good standing desiring to utilize a recreational vehicle (camper) on club property will pay an additional $125 per year payable by June 1.  The campers may only be utilized on the designated club house property.  Revenue collected from the camper fee shall be utilized to pay electricity costs and any improvements to the camping area.  Any camper having a permanent or temporary electrical connection is required to pay the camper fee.  
Each member with a camper is responsible for keeping the area around their camper free of accumulated debris, trash, tall grass and weeds.  Camper space is available on a first come first serve basis.
General Club Rules:
Sunrise Hunt Club, its members, member’s guests and associate members will abide by and follow at all times all Federal, State and Local regulations governing hunting, trapping, fishing and firearms.  It is the duty of each member to ensure they are familiar and aware of the appropriate regulations and conduct themselves accordingly.  Willful and intentional violation of these regulations will subject a member to expulsion from the club and forfeiting all rights and privileges to club facilities. 
All complaints regarding a breech or violation of these rules and regulations must be submitted in writing to the Club Officers. The complaint must be specific and signed by a paying club member. Disciplinary actions will be decided on a case by case basis by the Club Officers.
All gated entrances to the Hunting Property will be used at all times.
Members will be respectful of crop lands and will utilize access around the perimeter of the crop field for access.
No commercial timber is to be cut at any time.
A member may not load (round in the chamber) of their hunting weapon until they are within 50 yards of their hunting/stand location.  Upon the member leaving their hunting stand/location, the member will unload (no round in the chamber) their firearm before proceeding beyond 50 yards from that location.  This is to protect those members who may be hunting along your travel path to and from your hunting area.
No driving is allowed through any wet fields, and the runway at the airport.  Caution must be exercised on driving on vegetated areas during wet weather conditions.  Use perimeter roads when traveling on agricultural fields.
Sunrise Hunt Club will be held responsible for cleaning up all trash and debris left on the property associated with the Hunt Club. The camp site is our home away from home. At the end of each hunting day all members are required to do a sweep of the camp site and remove any trash that has been acquired. This includes all spent shells or casings anywhere on the property.
All hunting firearms will be unloaded before entering the campground area. The campground area is defined as the area extending from the entrance on Rt. 46 extending behind the campground area to the old barn and the east and west property boundary.
When going to your hunting location, all members must be respectful to their fellow hunters.  All members must insure they take the path of least resistance so as not to interfere with a fellow members hunt in the surrounding area.  Do not drive past another hunter in a stand if there is another way to access your area.

Rabbit hunting with dogs during deer season is only permitted the last two weeks of deer season.  Deer drives are only permitted during the last two weeks of the year.  Only shotguns with buckshot are allowed for man drives.- No rifles or slugs.
Sign In Board:
The sign in board is located in the club house.  Each members name is on the sign in board with an assigned number for the season.  Pins are provided for each member’s number.  Guest and associate members can use the extra pins provided.
At all times, any member planning to utilize the club property with a guest or associate member for any reason (target practice, hunting, fishing, scouting, etc.) must first go to the Club House and review the map boards and observe where other members maybe on the property.  Members are required to place their Pin Number on the map board at only one location on the property they intend to occupy before entering that area.  If the member has a guest or associate member with them, then the members Pin Number should also mark their location as noted above.  If the member, guest or associate member decides to change locations, the member is to return to the sign in board and remove your pin(s) and place your pin(s) on the new location on the map board.  A member can place their pin on the board the night before for the next morning hunt only.  A member can place their pin on the board for the afternoon hunt on the day of the hunt only (not the night before). Nobody should place their pins on the board days in advance.  
When you sign in on the board it is your responsibility to know the area you are hunting.  During man drives, these areas will be marked on the sign in board as well. If there are hunters who are not joining in on the man drives and are hunting close to the proximity you wish to drive you must find another area to do a man drive. We do not want to disrupt any other members hunt.
If you meet another member while hunting, which can and will happen from time to time, try to return to your zone you had marked on the board and then when you return to camp try to see where you were at when you met the other hunter. This will help prevent any future disturbed hunts.
Members should respect another member’s location and not infringe upon their area taking the least intrusive route as to not encroach, infringe or disturb another member’s hunt.
Hunting Stands/Blinds:
Hunting locations are available to all members on a first come – first served basis. The following elevated stands will only be allowed on the property: Portable leaning ladder stands, free standing (tower stands), climbers and lock on stands. Nails are prohibited for use in installing any stand.  Hunting blinds may also be utilized.
Each and all hunting stand/blind owner is required to be identified on the club house map board of the exact location of the stand/blind.  Each member will mark their stand/blind with a white thumb tack with their pin board number.  Stands marked with pin number “0” (zero) are considered club stands open to everyone.
It is the responsibility of each owner of a hunting stand/blind to annually inspect prior to hunting season the hunting stand/blind is installed correctly and is considered safe for use.
Any hunting stand/blind not inspected and determined to be safe for use shall be removed or made inaccessible until such time it can be removed.
There is no distance requirement between stands.  However, you must hunt at a safe distance from other hunters.  Conflicts between two members regarding what is or is not a safe distance will be determined by the officers.  Common courtesy is the governing rule.  If in doubt ask. Hunting blinds will be treated just like stands.  If you want to hunt another person's stand you must have their permission to do so.  No limit on the number of stands a members can have. During hunting season stands can only be moved/erected from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Use of the Shooting Range:
The only approved area of the Club Property that may be used for sighting in and practicing with firearms is the Shooting Range.   The Shooting Range is open at all times for member use with the following exceptions: From the opening day of archery season till the end of hunting season, the Shooting Range will only be open for use between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. as long as no member is hunting on the Bow-Tie property.  All firearms casings, used targets, general trash must be collected and disposed of properly.  This also includes picking up and properly discarding shotgun shells, particularly while dove hunting on the property.  Pick up all spent casings, no matter where on club property.
Club Liability Insurance Policy
All members using an elevated stand must wear a Safety Harness at all times. No Exceptions. Failure to use a Safety Harness eliminates you from coverage on the clubs liability insurance. 
DMAP Rules
All members and guest will be required to follow all DMAP regulation. DMAP Regulation may change from year to year. Information will be provided by VDGIF and communicated to Club Members.  Each member is allowed to take whatever number the state allows.
The property is the future of the club. This is not a race track. The property owner is very concerned about safety and wants anyone driving ATVs on the property to drive at a reasonable speed and in a safe manner. The following rules will apply and will be enforced with no exceptions. Failure to comply with these rules will be grounds for immediate termination from the club.
Ride ATV’s according to your experience and to the terrain of the property.
No doughnuts allowed or reckless behavior is allowed.  Members should be aware of State and Local regulations regarding ATV’s while on club property.  Helmets are requested.
Overall Rule​​
Treat your fellow club members as you would like to be treated.  
Soliciting New Members
The club will hold a meeting each year before in January or February.  By that meeting or at that meeting all current members will be required to express in writing their intent to join or not for the upcoming year.  Failure to do so will be treated like the member doesn't intend on re-joining.
Based on those numbers the officers will determine how many slots are needed for the upcoming year and that number will be posted on the website and via email.  The officers will maintain a waiting list of perspective members with the following criteria:
Associate members get priority upon reaching 18 or 22 (if in school)
Members' recommendations get priority over unknowns
Members' recommendations will be in the order of first come/first served
Those on the waiting list that are unknowns will also be first come/first served as far as an evaluation goes.  But the officers can assess which ones will be a good fit and which ones will not before determining which ones will be allowed to join.
If anyone on the waiting list declines but asks to stay on the list they would go to the bottom of their category
For example- somebody on the list that a member recommends declines to join this year would go to the bottom of the list of member recommendations. They would stay above the unknowns on the list.
Approving New Members

All applications will be reviewed by the president or officers.  If the officers approve the applications then an email will be sent to all members with the attached applications for a vote.  Members will have 7 days to vote via email to the club secretary.  No response will indicate a "yes" vote.  Any "no" vote will require a reason and will prompt the officers to review the application against the reason for the "no" vote.
The officers decision is final.
Conflict Resolution
Conflicts between members should be worked out between the two members.  If the conflict cannot be resolved then it should be brought to a club officer for resolution.  Violations of club rules or state laws should be brought to the attention of a club officer.  
Donations to the club:  

Anything donated to the club becomes club property.  Once donated the item will remain club property even if the donating member leaves the club.
Hank's Pond :  The pond in the middle of the airport tract (Designated Hank's Pond) is catch and release only.